About Me

In the quiet moments at the end of the day, when so much fills your mind and emotions overload your heart, this is the space where I free those thoughts and let them take over These are the thoughts of love and life, joys and frustrations, things I've learned, and my life's failures. In black and white.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010

I started 2010 surrounded by my sister, her husband, my fiance and my beautiful 3 year old and 8 week old nephews in New York City. It was fun and festive and lovely. I could not have imagined a better start to the year.

2009 was not at all what I thought it would be. It was marred by sad events, deaths of people I loved, endings of relationships, realizations about people who I thought would be at my side forever. All of which are lessons that I will keep close to me and learn from in order not to repeat them. If I sit in bitterness and not learn anything, that would just be time wasted that I will never get back.

As 2010 brings new beginnings, life changing events, I will keep challenging myself to be better. I will keep challenging myself to be loving, considerate and empathetic. I will keep challenging myself to push and heal physically so that I can return or at least get closer to normal functioning. I will keep challenging myself to be the friend that I would want to have, the sister, the daughter, the granddaughter and the future wife that I know everyone would want to have. I will be true to myself and live my life without any shame, regret or sadness. Each day will hold a new adventure and I will look forward to them with a smile on my face.

2010. I am already in love with you.

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