About Me

In the quiet moments at the end of the day, when so much fills your mind and emotions overload your heart, this is the space where I free those thoughts and let them take over These are the thoughts of love and life, joys and frustrations, things I've learned, and my life's failures. In black and white.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

hiding crazy

There are things we do and parts of us that we hide away from others.  Lets just call them the crazies.  Now, these things aren't necessarily things that we need to seek psychiatric help for by any means, but they are just things that we do in private that don't need to be shared by anybody else in this world. The way I like to think of them would be my "little indulgences".

I have always lived alone.  I've had 3 roommates ever in my life since I moved out of my parents' house at 19.  My parents were great.  They never sifted through my room, or rummaged through my belongings.  Privacy was well respected at home.  I lived alone through university with the exception of my second year of undergraduate studies, and two semesters during graduate studies.  I'm not sure if I would consider sharing 1 bathroom in a room of 6 women at the research station during my graduate studies roommates, so I'm not going to count them.  Things are about to change drastically.

I am getting married this year.  Yes.  Something that I had not planned on, but am thrilled about.  And now, within a year, I am going to have to share my indulgences with somebody else.  Dear God, please help me.

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