About Me

In the quiet moments at the end of the day, when so much fills your mind and emotions overload your heart, this is the space where I free those thoughts and let them take over These are the thoughts of love and life, joys and frustrations, things I've learned, and my life's failures. In black and white.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

k, please just hear me


I need you to hear me. You won't pick up the telephone, you won't email me back.  I am so sorry.  I cannot believe I have done this to you.

I want you to know, for whatever it is worth (and I know, it is very little), that when you came into my life, I did not know what to do. You literally changed my world in ways I could not understand or cope with. You are that woman, that kindred spirit, who was so brilliant in her laughter and spirit that I was overwhelmed. Yes I was supposed to be married. But when we were together, I felt like I was given a key to an emotional paradise, and looking back I was experiencing such immense vulnerability that caused me to react badly. The thing is, and please you must accept this one thing as true, I never, ever thought, deep down, that I had a chance with someone like you. Never. Eventually I knew you'd find someone as handsome and intelligent as you are beautiful and intuitive. You were a 10 to my 5, and this is a deep-rooted self-esteem that has always kicked in. And with you, it kicked in hard.

I didn't think you would accept me. I wasn't good looking enough, or as financially well-off as the other men you had dated. You clearly were a woman of very good taste, and I knew I'd never be able to give you what you deserved. Your wonderful sense of understated style, your love of things wonderfully delightful and unique. I thought this many times, how can I give her anything close to what she wants? I remember you mentioned the Amalfi coast, and I thought, that is so great, but also so expensive and beyond my means. I dont know, you have to remember I grew up with almost no friends. I dont value myself very highly, and I devalued myself next to you for a number of reasons, including emotionally and financially. Yes, I lied. I felt and knew that if you got to know the real me, the true person, that you would see what I saw in myself -- and then you would leave. In my immaturity, I started to lie about the when and the where, in the hopes you would believe I was better than I was. And all the while I was desperately trying to seek validation in your company. I did, and do love you, and I know that I am not worthy of your love, or even friendship. I admit I have done a terrible thing, and I have destroyed a potentially life-changing and wonderful friendship, with whom I had much to share.

I just want you to know,that is where it all came from. I didn't feel good enough to be around you, as a person. No one had ever wanted to be around me the way you did, and I honestly thought you had misjudged me and would soon find out I was not as funny or smart as you thought I was. I feared being exposed for who I really was. I tried to cover this up so much. I was lost, confused, fearful. My world had turned upside down. For the record, I did go to LA, and for the record I went to counselling, and I am still going. I know this to be true because I'm spending $150 per weekly session. I mean, we're not even living together anymore. Listen, I dont have anything to gain from telling you this. I know you're done, you're gone. And the rest of my world is also falling by the wayside. All I can hope and pray for is that you can at least understand a little about why I did what I did, and hope that you don't think I am a complete monster or utterly inhumane. I have lost most of what had made up my life over the past six months.

I cannot begin to address everything I have done, and maybe you don't want me to. I was trying to compensate for MYSELF. I don't give myself credit, nor do I give others credit to see me for me. I lied, and they spiraled out of control. I was out of control in so many ways. It doesn't excuse it. The truth is, I know you gave everything you had. I loved you for that. I really did. I am a selfish person, no doubt,and that is something I know I need to change. When I need to cope, I turn inward. It's what I know.

You have every right to indict me, to hate me. I accept that. I can only say that I am truly sorry, and that more than anything else, it was my emotional confusion and lack of self esteem that is at the root cause.

I want to say more. I want to make it right, if that is even possible. I don't even know what that means. I guess I'm writing this because I really do care about you, and because, I hope one day you can accept that you did not get taken for a ride by an evil jerk, but instead by one that was selfish and confused but did not have the explicit intent to do harm. I didn't meet you and think, let's screw with her and leech her life energy. I ... I just fucked up terribly. And it spiraled out of control.

You are right, I gave very little of myself. The truth is, I have trouble giving. I protect myself to such a ridiculous extent. And here you were before me, this wonderful woman, and I didn't know how to tear down the personal walls I had erected for so many years. I became defensive and deflected everything, at every opportunity. It has always been a gut instinct to do this when I feel at risk. Except THIS time, I wasn't vulnerable to something harmful; for the first time, I felt vulnerability in another sense, emotionally, but I wasn't intuitive to realize the difference. And I turned into the self-defense robot.

You are a beautiful person. You have that sense of spirit, that joie de vivre, that I have always sought in a woman, and in all my friends. You have passion, you laugh, you think, you have fun, you discover. I KNOW you aren't so selfish or shallow. You crave the little things, the beautiful details of everyday. I told you once, I fell in love with you during that cartoon commercial, where the centipede goes down an elevator and it makes that weird face. It lasted 1 second, but you saw it, rewound the PVR, and laughed at it again. That blew me away. Ever since that moment I knew you were a person that cared deeply about the little things, the intangibles, the silly, the weird, and the happy and sad. I know you're not superficial. I know you're extremely intelligent. I saw it every time you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. I noticed it every time you mentioned something in detail, far after it had occurred or passed our field of vision. I could go on. I really could. For hours. But I have to admit, although I could list so many things, the real reason I fell for you was because I just ... felt it. It was just there. It awakened something in me. Flipped a switch I didn't think existed.

I can only repeat what I said that day we spoke: I know I have failed you deeply and miserably. I can only hope that one day, you can find it in yourself to give me a chance to earn your trust, respect and company. I do not pretend to think this is a distinct possibility. Even now I want to call you. But I respect that we are operating on your terms. I promised not to bother you unless you wanted to talk. I deleted your phone numbers so you don't have to worry about random calls.

I know you have plenty of people in your life. And I know they haven't lied to you. A lot. What I'm doing, I guess, is trying desperately to ask for your forgiveness. And this desperation, this urgency, is based on the emotions I felt for you, the belief that something special had been unlocked for the first time in my ** years on this earth. I felt as if we had unlocked something together. And despite my many misgivings, I felt like our emotions were true and real, even if I tried not to be. I, personally, cannot deny what I believed to be the rarest of connections. But I understand that I may have destroyed it, irrevocably. I am so sorry. Do you think you could ever forgive such a person? If the answer is no, I will never bother you again. I swear it.


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